👋Hi, I am

Emily V. Ingraham

Currently based in Connecticut, USA

Favorite Projects



This application was one of my favorites to build. My second react project, I amazed myself with what I learned and the hurdles I worked through.

Launch Application

I ❤️ Colorado

This application was incredibly fun to build. As a temporary Colorado resident, I felt obligated to build a website encouraging viewers to travel to the US state. The natural beauty, weather, and culture here won me over quickly. I am forever grateful to my Colorado experience.

Launch Application


My first project using React, this is one I am incredibly proud of. I have to admit, using React had my head spinning at first. But with practice, I was able to build this application and allow users to display the current weather and forecast in any international location.

Launch Application

This project was coded by Emily Ingraham, is open-sourced on Github and hosted on Netlify.
